Sunday, 10 July 2011

Setting up the Apiary

My Cornish Horizontal Topbar Hive finally arrived last week, and I'm due to collect a top bar nucleus from Heatherbell Honey in cornwall next weekend, so its all moving now. Been busy clearing the plot of land and getting it ready, with some help from friends, and treating the hives with a mix of beeswax and linseed oil.

After checking on the Natural Beekeeping Forum, it seems the general view is to use between 1 in 10 and 1 in 20 parts beeswax to linseed oil, and to apply the mixture whilst it is hot to the outside of the hives only. Apparantly one coat is sufficient, and it takes a few weeks to dry completely, remaining slightly sticky to the touch for quite some time. Another coat can be applied yearly to keep the hives in good condition.